Because the truth struggled with my weight almost had me at the breaking point.
After trying SO MANY different diets, workouts, pills, and powders...I was about to give up.
I was about to commit to being alone forever...because I just didn’t have an attractive body type and there was NOTHING I could do to change that fact.
I would stay up late at night journaling...trying not to soak the pages with my tears...trying to convince myself I could still live a happy life.
“Plenty of women are happy alone,” I would tell myself. But deep down I knew I needed someone to hold me, cherish me, and tell me I’m special.
And I was so tired of waiting for someone who would “see the real me” despite the way I looked -- like all those cheesy rom coms say.
I wanted to LOOK and FEEL my best. I wanted to give that special someone the most beautiful version myself. I didn’t want anyone to settle for me...
Look, I know this may not sound “politically correct”...but this is my truth. This is how I really felt.
I felt a little part of myself die every time I looked in the mirror.
And I didn’t want another shoulder to cry on. In fact, I got ANGRY every time someone would pat me on the back and say, “You’re still beautiful…”
I just felt like they were missing the point. I WANTED ANSWERS -- I didn’t want to be “okay” with feeling dumpy, ugly, and low energy all the time.
That’s why this silly little quiz turned out to be a MAJOR turning point in my life.
When I finally discovered the TRUE CAUSE of my problems -- starting with this exact quiz -- I felt liberated!
Because finally I could enjoy the body of my dreams AND stop blaming myself for being overweight in the past.
Let me backup a few steps…
I’m in my mid 40s now, and throughout my life I’ve just accepted my place as...well...forgettable. At best, I thought I was plain-looking. At worst...
When I looked in the mirror every night, I felt a twinge of shame. I even tried to avoid ever seeing myself naked or in my underwear. It was almost like I was hiding from the sight of my own body.
See, it wasn’t just the way I was the fact that I blamed myself.
I thought it was my fault that I couldn’t shed the extra weight around my hips, thighs, and belly.
I knew it wasn’t genetics because my parents and siblings are all naturally lean...which meant I felt cheated for being chubby.
On top of the shame I already felt...I would mentally beat myself up for being “too lazy” to work out or “not disciplined enough” to eat right.
Even though every single diet and workout plan FAILED to give me the results I wanted!